
Breaking the Fourth Wall At Sheffield Doc/Fest

Great news! I’ll be taking part in a panel session at Sheffield Doc/Fest this year! Back in 2012 we showed Renga there – which went down so well we added an extra show at very short notice. Definitely one of the most enjoyable film festivals I’ve been to. Just because it has ‘Doc’ in the title doesn’t mean that it focuses purely on Documentaries! The Crossover and interactive elements make it one of the most relevant conferences to anyone working in digital media.

The best time to start a blog was 20 years ago, the second best time is today

So this web-marlarky is here to stay then 😉 It’s been around 15 years since I turned my back on websites after being scarred using HTML and javascript. Apparently, it’s all different now and I can’t escape it any longer. It’s not that I haven’t written networked games, administered web-servers, created online java applets, used web APIS and mobile apps – I just always felt much more comfortable having everything stored locally.